Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Welcome to Love @ First Bite !!!!!

"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it."
                        Julia Child

What could be more perfect and inspiring than this quote from renowned cookbook author Julia Child, who introduced French cooking to common man in her own simple and yet dramatic way.

And it is so true. When one discovers what he is passionate about and keeps it interesting by getting better at it day by day, is what makes them happy in true sense. So what is my passion? Cooking!

It all started when I was a child. I grew up watching my mother scribbling down paragraphs in her own little diary and neatly saving articles cut from the women magazines borrowed from local library. I always wondered what secrets it held, until I laid my hands on it. Lo and behold! It had numerous cooking recipes and notes on how to prepare whole gamut of delicacies. And I followed the suit by adding to the legacy I chanced upon. I still remember my father being questioned by the librarian about the missing pages when he returned those magazines and to his surprise he had no clue ;).

The journey had begun. I started experimenting with these recipes and the new ones. Gathering ingredients and substituting when not available, improvising with each try. My only critics were my parents, who were very supportive and gulped down all my creations. After marriage, the onus is now on my dear hubby.

After being introduced to the vast world of internet and blogging, I continued to surf various recipes online. Finding out and reading what others have to offer and adding these to my basket. Although there is no dearth of food blogs out there, this is just my humble try at documenting my version of the wonderful recipes that I have learnt all these years.

So welcome to my Virtual Kitchen where I talk about my love and obsession about food and cooking.
Bon Appétit!

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